Do it – Now !

I got a slap in the face from the Universe yesterday.  Yes, I know that may sound strong and not so positive but it was well deserved.  You see, I have been sitting on a book that is 80% done for almost two and a half years now.  I had talked out ideas with friends and mentors about book covers, and the perfect title, and was even feeling quite pleased with the content in general.  So why am I telling you this?  Well it just so happens that yesterday in one of the social media groups I belong to a woman posted an image of two versions of her new book cover and wanted to know which one the group preferred.  My heart dropped when I saw the post because there was the book that I had nearly finished writing, except it wasn’t mine.

The book featured in the post had the exact same title as mine and an almost identical cover to the one I had dreamed up.  Do I think this woman stole my idea somehow?  No, absolutely not!  What I do think is that no idea is original and if you do not act on it someone else is going to.  The universal sub-conscious is alive and well.  Your fabulous million dollar idea is not only hanging out in your head, it is there for any action taker to grab on to, so take heed.  That brilliant idea does not have a trademark until you take the action to make it happen.

My book can be re-written and polished in a different way with a different title and a different cover but that is really not the point, the point is that when you get a lightbulb moment, you can’t sit on it.  You got that flash for a reason and if you do not follow your intuitive nudge someone else is going to get that same nudge. If you are sitting around waiting for “someday”, it just might show up but with someone else’s name on it.

So don’t dawdle, start taking action today on whatever it is you have been putting off for the “right time”.  There is no perfectly right time for anything!  There is only right now, this moment, so make the most of it.  What can you do this month, this week, today and yes, even right now to work towards that thing that you have been wanting to do, be or have?  I am absolutely serious.  Don’t finish reading this post and say “yeah that is a great point, I will think about it”.  No, no, no!  What can you do, this moment to take some action?  It does not have to be a huge leap (though those can be quite exhilarating), it can be a simple baby step that takes you in the right direction.  Just get moving.

Don’t wait to regret the moment that you see someone else creating, finalizing or celebrating that thing you have had your mind on.  You were given that idea for a reason, it is yours, for now. Yet, just like that great ebay buy, other people have their eyes open too and you never know when it might get snatched out from under you.  Take the brass ring you have dreamed up and do something with it!  Your time is NOW!  Really!!!

If you want a bit of accountability, share your idea below and the step you are going to take right now to make it happen.  I will be cheering you on all the way!

p.s. This story does have a happy ending by the way.  I received the message loud and clear that focused and consistent action is where it is at and I am now going full force into a project I had on the drawing boards.  Stay tuned, it is going to be FABULOUS!!

Post by:  Dawn Z Bournand, Founder of The Women of Success and Fabulously Successful, is a certified business and life coach specializing in working with talented International entrepreneurs. -and-

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